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Friday, 26 July 2024

After all this time, the news is not positive. Adif, the owners of the site, have forbidden us to enter. They are also in conflict with the town hall over unpaid rent.

This leaves the station building, of which we have one room, which is now more of a collating unit of documents etc., ably managed by Nick Allen.

If there is any further news, I will report it here.

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Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Our president, Rafael, has recently posted a letter on FaceBook. A translation is provided here.

Hello everyone,

It has been a long time since I have published any information regarding works in Zurgena station but this doesn't mean that the volunteers of our association haven't been working.

Thanks to the untiring work of Stewart, Shaun, Mark & Sue, Nick and Max works continue with alacrity. There has been a month of heavy rain and horrible weather, but in spite of the difficulties caused, work has gone on apace.

Attached are some photographs of the works that have taken place recently, taken on the 20th April 2022. They have cleaned with great care much of the old track and points and now we are prepared for the installation of new track to replace that which was removed to create the playpark. We are currently looking for track of the same grade for this purpose.

More news - thanks to our friend, Carlos, the JCB driver who was responsible for the removal of earth from the station, we have found two chassis of narrow gauge mine wagons near to Zurgena. They were found during his excavation work for his company and they were kind enough to inform us so that we could acquire them. They are 600mm wide, the same gauge as the 020 WT locomotive which I am restoring. I believe that we will have a great use for these two wagons when thay are renovated in the transport of material. Additionally, I attach photographs of the chassis, which were manufactured by 'Talleres Miravalles', and I believe that they are from the early 1930s due to the markings on the metalwork. Once they are restored, they will look wonderful.

Best regards to all,


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Thursday, 10 March 2022

Well, we're back after a little pause in the blog. The team (including alphabetically, Mark, Nick, Shaun, Stewart, Sue, & Max) have done sterling work in clearing the track to the extent that we now have a set of points (the only ones in the museum) that actually move. Well done everybody.

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Thursday, 10 March 2022

The rear entrance to the station. St. Carlos has done an excellent job with his JCB of clearing the area.

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Thursday, 10 March 2022

The team hard at work! L-R: Sue, Shaun and Mark.

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Thursday, 10 March 2022

The team of Shaun, Mark and Sue have managed to free the points after much hard work.

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Thursday, 10 March 2022

The jetwasher does a lovely job of cleaning the tracks (when working!) but does cause a slight splash-back!

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Thursday, 10 March 2022

Shaun grafting hard to expose the only set of complete points that we have.

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Thursday, 10 March 2022

This points lever was found in the dirt. Manufactured in 1941 by Jemein, Errazti y Zenitagoya of Bilbao, the weight was used to ensure that the points stayed open (or closed).

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Thursday, 10 March 2022

This poster advertises the quality of the steel rails that they used to sell. "NO MORE DERAILMENTS!! Quality and precise material for railways, trams and mines. Specialists in replacement of track. Special forges".

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Thursday, 10 March 2022

Some weird publicity from Jemein, Errazti y Zenitagoya. They were publicizing their foundry for steel, tempering, ferro-silicate, manganese steel and chrome-nickel steel.

Looks more like a poster for a heavy rock band!

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Thursday, 10 March 2022

Just to prove that I do actually do some graft occasionally!

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Thursday, 10 February 2022

More work done today preparing the land for the laying of track.

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Thursday, 10 February 2022

Carlos has done a great job clearing the concrete from the duck pond and levelling the ground so that we can lay trach.

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Wednesday, 9 February 2022

An interesting little aside. Rafael drew my attention to Google Maps satellite (actually aerial photographs) in which one can see here the project before we started work. There is the aviary, duck pond...and white lines of yeso which we used to mark the track which we found with a metal detector as there was NO track visible due to years of accumulated mud.

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Wednesday, 9 February 2022

A new discovery this evening. We are pretty sure that it is the base for a signal.

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Wednesday, 9 February 2022

The tracks as they stand as of tonight.

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Wednesday, 9 February 2022

From the left, these are tracks 1,3 and 5. No, I don't know either!

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Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Even more track cleared today by Carlos and his JCB.

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Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Well, this is where we are this evening. Carlos, as always, has done an incredible job of clearing the tracks with his JCB and now we have all of the tracks exposed and the duck pond cleared of all of the concrete.

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Tuesday, 8 February 2022

The tracks exposed just today by the wonderful Carlos and his JCB. Having operated the smaller brother, our Bobcat, I know that what he has done required enormous skill (and hydraulics that actually work!!

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Tuesday, 8 February 2022

That dirt just keeps piling up!!

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Tuesday, 8 February 2022

The ex-duck pond, now cleared by St Carlos and his JCB.

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Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Our hard working volunteers have done an excellent job of clearing this track ready for the placement of some modern sleepers as this section will be quite havily used one day.

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Wednesday, 26 January 2022

A newly encountered document from 1953 thanks to José Antonio Serrano Navarro (a friend of the museum) by Renfe sheds some light on the movements of double and triple headers in the 1950s. From this document, trains from Zurgena in the direction of Granada would be double, or triple headers right up to Hijate. From Hijate to Caniles (downhill) single loco, and from Caniles all the way to Gorafe double or triple header.

From Zurgena in the direction of Murcia, the double/triple headers split at Km37.900 which is between Huércal-Overa and Las Norias.

Strangely, there doesn't appear to be any mention in the document of the branch line between Almendricos and Águilas, which was the most difficult of the sections.

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Monday, 24 January 2022

There has been quite a bit of progress with the arduous task of clearing the tracks. Apart from skimming the mud with the Bobcat, the only way of doing this is slow hand-tool work. Well done to the Sunday team for clearing so much of Track 4.

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Thursday, 13 January 2022

It is hard to believe that it is only seven months since this photograph was taken and that all of this work has been done by a few British volunteers. We are always looking for more volunteers (of any nationality!), so if you are reading this and interested in helping, then contact us through the website, or drop by any Tuesday.

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Thursday, 13 January 2022

Stewart in the Bobcat, tidying up the ground ready for the clearing of even more mud from the tracks.

We are very lucky to have such an experienced and diverse team. Stewart is an engineer, Nick and Shaun are experienced in groundwork. Clive comes from The Chatham Dockyard Railway....and I used to work in a path lab!!

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Thursday, 13 January 2022

View from the fence looking towards Arboleas. This is the result of an amazing amount of work by volunteers...and good old Carlos and his JCB!

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Thursday, 13 January 2022

The manhole covering the plumbing for the water pump is now cleared. The valve seems to be broken, so we will have to dismantle it and see if we can repair it.

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Thursday, 13 January 2022

Clive's firs job on his return from his jollies was to concrete the base of the lamp. Another job well done! This whole area is now finished.

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Thursday, 13 January 2022

This first section now finished apart from a little bit of clearing up.

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Monday, 10 January 2022

The boys are back in town (with apologies to Thin Lizzy). Yes, we are here until Wednesday afternoon if you want to drop by to say 'hello'. Well done Nick, Susan and Mark on Sunday, getting stuck in to the spade and shovel work in the engine shed. This work is the absolute opposite of glory days (apologies, Bruce) but is enormously important to the project. Well done!

The photograph is of the pit underneath the water pump that we are excavating at the moment. So far it has filled at least ten Bobcat buckets with mud and we are still digging.

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Monday, 10 January 2022

The area that last week was piled high with mud and rubble now looking much clearer. The rubble will be collected tomorrow.

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Monday, 10 January 2022

What a difference a Carlos makes! This is how the area that was piled high with mud looks tonight. We will be on site tomorrow clearing the tracks amongst other things.

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Thursday, 6 January 2022

Seeing that it is the New Year, I thought that I would take us back six months to see how far we have come. The stars of the last year have been Carlos, the JCB driver, Nick, Stewart, Clive and Shaun. A bit scary - so few people. That doesn't daunt us.

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Thursday, 6 January 2022

Tracks one and two looking good. It is hard to explain how difficult, and how much work is involved, to clear the tracks to make a presentation like this. The bobcat can't do much as the bucket keeps catching on nails and sleepers so it is the work of volunteers to clear all of the mud from the tracks. This is boring and difficult work. Well done, guys!

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Thursday, 6 January 2022

Well, this is where we are today, after lots of hard work. As the Spanish say, "poco a poco". The members who have worked hard this last year - Nick, Stewart, Shaun, Clive, Mark and Susan deserve medals. Most of the work has been shovelling dirt, digging and cleaning. Unrewarding but important. Well done everyone!

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Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Well, this is where we are today. Carlos has removed the ugly lump of concrete from Line 1 and cleared the ground for us to carry on with the track clearing. Thanks to (in no particular order) Nick, who is a maquina with the spade, Stewart who is always working hard, but also has skills on the Bobcat, keeping it running, Jon and Hans who are working on the computer side and the museum proper, and Mark & Susan Rowbottom who have excavated the area at the station end of the pit. Well done everybody!

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Tuesday, 4 January 2022

There is a collection of very old track from Tíjola.

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Tuesday, 4 January 2022

The arrival of the track that Rafael has managed to get from the works at Tíjola.

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Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Look who's here! Carlos has cleared all of the piles of dirt from the area where we are working.

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Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Well, most of the dirt has now been cleared from the workshop so that we can walk around inside without climbing over tons of rubbish. The pit looks really good now, and one can imagine the workers in the past maintaining the locos.

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Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Well, this is where we are tonight. Nick, Stewart and Shaun have done incredible work over the last two days, mainly pick and shovel work, clearing the tracks of that horrible hard clay that doesn't like being disturbed, and makes ones shovel stop dead.

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Wednesday, 29 December 2021

This is Jon Bishop and Hans who are working together in the museum to bring the computer on line. This will be very useful for us to be in contact with members and prospective members and donors.

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Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Shaun Murphy working hard. What a machine!! He just grinds away clearing the area with his pick and shovel. Great guy!!

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Friday, 24 December 2021

The track as of today. This work is very important, so as to present a professional image to visitors. There is still much work to do.


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Friday, 24 December 2021

The inspection pit still needing some shovel work.

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Friday, 24 December 2021

The inspection pit on Christmas Eve.

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Friday, 24 December 2021

Yesterday, Nick and Stewart worked tirelessly sifting artefacts from the dirt from the inspection pit. Here are some of them.

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Friday, 24 December 2021

Artefacts from the inspection pit.

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Friday, 24 December 2021

More artefacts found in the inspection pit.

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Thursday, 23 December 2021

View from the cab. We have had a very busy day digging out the inspection pit. We hired a dumper to carry the dirt away which was driven by Stewart who has become a very valuable member of the team. Stewart, Nick and I were on site at 8am and we worked through. Nick was very busy sifting the dirt in search of any artefacts while Stewart and I were working on the digging and transporting.

Later on, Clive came by with an old friend who, between them, did a great job on the tracks (and straigtening up the lamppost that Stewart and I installed yesterday!). There has been a lot of good progress today!

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Thursday, 23 December 2021

Clive brought along an old friend today to show him the site, so the poor chap was given a shovel, and the rest is history. His name is Paul Mantell and he is touring Spain. Thank you for your help, Paul.

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Thursday, 23 December 2021

Nick was busy today sifting through the dirt that we got from the inspection pit for any artefacts. Photos will be posted tomorrow.

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Thursday, 23 December 2021

Stewart, who played a blinder today, driving the dumper which we were using to remove the tons of dirt from the inspection pit. He worked through from 8am until 6pm with no lunch break and just one cup of tea!

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Wednesday, 22 December 2021

One of the lamps has been erected - we are just awaiting a solar light with which to adorn it.

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Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Well, we are all ready for the big day tomorrow - the digging of the inspection pit. We have the bobcat working (after battery troubles, sorted by Stewart) and a dumper truck to carry all of the dirt away. We will keep you informed of progress.

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Tuesday, 21 December 2021

The chaps who were working today on the track have found a drain that seems to have been for the water pump. That is Shaun working hard.

We will be around from tomorrow through Thursday to Christmas Eve.

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Friday, 17 December 2021

This is how we have left the site tonight. We would like to have extended the excavations but there is a lot of scrap metal in the way. We are hoping to move it soon.

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Friday, 17 December 2021

We have been busy today with the bobcat, Stewart showing his skills on the machine.

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Friday, 17 December 2021

We have excavated the manhole which gave access to the valve for the water pump....well, not quite. It seems that there is somewhat more work to do!

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Friday, 17 December 2021

Yesterday, we were busy having a meeting as to where we were going to go regarding works on the site. It was agreed that we should concentrate our efforts on the area in front of the fence, preparing the tracks. In spite of that, we managed to excavate a point with the jetwash.

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Wednesday, 15 December 2021

We have now cleared all of the dirt created by the poorly bobcat and in the process amassed 116 railway bolts.

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Wednesday, 15 December 2021

A miserable start this morning with weather that can only be described as....'English'! In spite of that, Shaun and Stewart were raring to go and got stuck into some great work.

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Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Well, it has been an eventful day today, starting with my flat tyre. It then proceeded to the bobcat not wanting to start. We removed the starter motor (or should I say Stewart did!) and it is now in Vera receiving a new pinion. However, Mr Bobcat being off sick didn't prevent us from getting on with other works. As you can see below, Clive and Stewart were getting their backs into digging out between the tracks and spreading gravel. Thanks to Clive West, Stewart Timony; and Jonathan Bishop who spent time today setting up the computer that he so kindly donated recently.

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Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Clive had the idea of spreading gravel between the tracks to make the area appear more professional. Great idea, Clive!

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Tuesday, 14 December 2021

The first two wheelbarrows of gravel to be spread between the tracks.

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Monday, 13 December 2021

It may be a pile of junk, but it is OUR pile of junk!! It is actually track that has been pulled up in Tíjola as part of the construction of the green route, and will be delivered to our site at the expense of Tíjola town hall!!

I am here in Zurgena and Nick, Clive, myself and maybe some others will be on site tomorrow if you want to drop by.

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Saturday, 11 December 2021

As you can see, Shaun has been busy clearing the mud from the shed. Great work Nick and Sean.

We will be on site Tuesday, and probably Wednesday as well if you want to drop in and give us some support.

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Saturday, 11 December 2021

After the digging on Wednesday, Nick and Shaun have been on site clearing the mess that I made. Well done lads!

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Wednesday, 8 December 2021

The good news today is that the back hoe is working perfectly after the maintenance work that we have done on her. After she and I made friends, we dug a hole together! This is the pit that was used from 1888 onwards for the maintenance of The GSSR locomotives. We are digging up history!

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Wednesday, 8 December 2021

The digging and jetwashing has continued today as one can see. Lots more to do.

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Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Great work by Nick and Shaun, who is a newbie to the fun and games. Thank you Sean and welcome.

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Wednesday, 8 December 2021

We are slowly clearing the tracks by hand (well, spade) of all of the mud that covered them after the last storm. Along with shovel work, we are using a jetwash to clean the rails.

We had a new volunteer this morning, Shaun Murphy who got stuck in straight away with the spade work, along with Nick. Welcome to the lunacy, Sean!!

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Wednesday, 8 December 2021

A big 'thank you' to Michael Mallen for the donation of an Epson printer and lots of lovely ink cartridges, as well as Steam World magazines.

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Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Many thanks to Stewart Timony for his help today. Without him, we would never have put the back-hoe into operation. I have a feeling that we will be seeing him again soon! Also, thanks to Hans for dropping by again. He will be taking over the museum side as he has more art in his little finger than I have in my whole 101kg body!

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Tuesday, 7 December 2021

It is hard to portray the amount of work it has taken to get the back-hoe working on the Bobcat - nearly 200€ of hydraulic hoses, in-house servicing of the control manifold, many discussions etc, but now it is functioning and tomorrow we will be digging some holes!

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Monday, 6 December 2021

The 2021 AGM went well today. Rafael was elected president again, unsurprisingly. One can see the whole shebang here: Part 1, and Part 2.

If you wish to join the association and didn't get a form, just email me at, or through this website. If you were unable to fill out a direct debit request form, you can contact me as above.

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Saturday, 4 December 2021

Many thanks to Robert and Marie Barnes for posting our publicity at Autos Direct Car Sales, San Miguel; Horadada Homes, Estate Agents, Torre de la Horadada and Campoverde Town Hall Office. Your efforts are much appreciated!

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Thursday, 2 December 2021

Yesterday, we were delighted to have a visit from Pedro Segura Cano. He is a councillor in Zurgena town hall as well as an artist. He lives in Alfoquia. He has written a textbook on the history of Zurgena, a copy of which I am reading.

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Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Just a reminder that the AGM will take place on Monday 6th December in Zurgena station. There will be toilets and seating available. If the weather is inclement, we will use the baggage hall.

Nick and Clive have done an excellent job of building steps for our more elderly members to be able to safely see the work that we are doing.

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Wednesday, 1 December 2021

We have finally got to the point of jet-washing the spacecraft. We don't know which planet it is from and we cannot find any evidence of alien life in it. Nick is in charge of the wand. We have found some alien markings though.

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Tuesday, 30 November 2021

So, thanks to Clive, we have made the work area a little safer for visitors as we don't want them tumbling head first into the turntable! Safety on site is important to us.

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Tuesday, 30 November 2021

It is wonderful to see Clive back from his trip to Blighty. He brings a lot of sensible ideas to the project as well as his hard work. Today he has been building some steps to make the area safer for old codgers like me.

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Tuesday, 30 November 2021

We had a visit from Hans Meijer today who showed great interest in the project, but more importantly brought a gift of some wonderful tools. If you have any tools that you no longer use, we will be deligthed to relieve you of them! Thank you Hans!

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Monday, 29 November 2021

Apart from some rocks (see below), the sum total of work today rotated around stemming the haemorrhage of hydraulic fluid from the back hoe hoses. We now have two new ones and we will be hoping to get the back hoe working tomorrow.

It has been a revelation to me as a hydraulics ingenue how hoses are sold. One cannot just buy one off the shelf like a radiator hose for a Ford Cortina. They have to be made up from a multitude of parts, the armoured hose being crimped in a special machine.

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Monday, 29 November 2021

This pile of rocks are actually some of the flooring slabs that were being thrown away as part of renovations of the old goods shed. They are of historical interest and will be kept safe by us. Thanks to Nick for his help.

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Sunday, 28 November 2021

Some news for everyone. Work has started on the green route between Arboleas station and Zurgena. Up until today, they haven't started laying the gravel, but we really urgently need to get our fingers out if we want to include the track described on Saturday 20th November, because once the route is laid, it will be much more difficult - both politically and technically, to add the track retrospectively.

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Sunday, 28 November 2021

The new green route now being constructed between Almanzora road bridge and the railway bridge over Río Albox.

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Sunday, 28 November 2021

The new green route in construction between Almanzora station and the road bridge.

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Sunday, 28 November 2021

There seems to be considerable activity in the construction of the new section of the green route between Cantoria and Arboleas.

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Friday, 26 November 2021

Many, many thanks to Rob Barnes for his entry in The Costa Blanca News regarding the museum. Click on the image to enlarge. One correction - I'm not the Chairman - not even on the committee - just trying to help out.

Rob and Marie took time out of their lives to come to Zurgena to see us and what we are trying to do, staying in Casa de los Sueños. Thank you, Rob and Marie for showing interest in our project.

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Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Well, Nick has been a real trooper - he has spent some time today continuing with cleaning up the tracks. Rafael will be there tomorrow.

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Saturday, 20 November 2021

As I was in Granada today, I thought that I would explain what the track will be like on the green route between Arboleas and Zurgena. The idea is that the ground on which the pedestrians and cyclists will pass will be the same height as the top of the rail. There will be a small gutter for the flange to sit in. I hope my little drawing explains all, and apologies for the poor graphic skills.

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Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Nick has been working on the track this morning. Here is a photograph of the progress.

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Monday, 15 November 2021

Peter Duffy has kindly sent us some photographs of Zurgena station taken in 2007. This one is interesting as the barrier (that no longer exists) was almost certainly made from track manufactured by North Eastern Steel in 1889. There is still rail in the station manufactured by this company.

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Sunday, 14 November 2021

Just received from Rafael. This cutting appeared in a 1980s magazine:

'The social directorate of the railway have given the prize for decoration of stations to Zurgena station, a prize that has returned to Mr Luis García Sánchez, station manager, and the pointsmen José Pardo Giménez, Mr Pascual Mondéjar Villa and Mr José Antonio Rodríguez Lorente, who while working onsite have transformed the old station of Zurgena, thought of as "The Black Sheep" of the Lorca - Baza line, to being one of the best looked after and beautiful.

In September 1971, during Calderenas (Zone 5) Mr Luis García Sánchez took control of the station, of which he fell immediately in love and decided to make the "Black Sheep" into the "Favourite Girl". In spite of the poor condition of the soil and due to his constant work, Zurgena is now blessed with eighty roses of many types and colours in addition to innumerable geraniums, carnations, rhododendrons etc.

Since its foundation in 1893, Zurgena station has been the key to the Lorca - Baza line. Created by The Great Southern of Spain Railway, it is dedicated mainly to the transport of mineral from Bacares. Its limited dimensions, along with the functions of the station (locomotive park, train halt, ways and works etc) required that rolling stock was parked on the tracks, resulting in it being described as appalling and anarchic, which is why it was always considered the "The Black Sheep of the line".

Diesel locomotives have now been put into service to improve the load carrying abilities and speed, resulting in a radical change in the station, avoiding the need to park rolling stock on the tracks which had the effect of making the station appear ugly and dirty.'

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Sunday, 14 November 2021

Nick has been visiting the site and doing some spade work. Well done, Nick.

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Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Well, this is how we have left the track this evening. There is still a fair number of the original sleepers. Some are in remarkably good condition whereas some are rotting.

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Wednesday, 10 November 2021

It looks as if we have turned the site into The Somme. Actually, it has taken a lot of work to get it this bad!

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Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Part of today was experimentation, to see what it would need to clean the tracks. To this effect, Nick (well done, Nick) cleared some track with a shovel. We also used some water under pressure. We came to the conclusion that to do the clean-up by hand would take about an hour per metre. Nick was actually on his knees for some of this clearng the dirt.

That brings us to the conclusion that to clear all the tracks will require approximately 700 man hours. Poco a poco, as they say in Spain.

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Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Well, I have just recieved plans of the turntable from The Cumbria Archive Service. Yes, it is a Cowan's Sheldon like that in Baza.

The good news is that the plans include drawings of the centre spindle confirming our thoughts that it was a sort of ball and socket affair. The piece marked with red + signs no longer exists. This was the important part that formed the upper section of the bearing. If you want to see the plans, they are on .pdf here:

Turntable 1
Turntable 2
Turntable 3
Turntable 4
Turntable 5
Turntable 6

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Monday, 8 November 2021

Brain teaser:
1. Why is there no rail, or the remnants of, all the way round the turntable? If they were taken for scrap, the cement base would still be there.
2. The two 'remaining' rails are diametrically opposite each other.
3. The ends of the rails have a vertical rail embedded in the ground as if to prevent them moving sideways.

My guess is that the turntable wasn't used to rotate locos but to change tracks. I know that points are much cheaper but what if it was sitting somewhere spare? It was manufactured in about 1888, but installed in 1932, 44 years later. They were shunting steam locos in 1932 but because the iron ore was going in the one direction (to El Hornillo), it wouldn't have been necessary to rotate locomotives, but it would have been necessary to shunt them into the siding quickly to get them out of the way of the next train.

Just a thought. See also the plan.

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Monday, 8 November 2021

Some news for you today - Rafael tells me that his meeting with the mancomunidad (one level up from town halls) went very well, and it looks like they are going to support plans for a track to Arboleas, and later to Almajalejo...and Huércal Overa.

The mancomunidad covers the whole of the Almanzora Valley and is responsible for the green lanes (vías verdes) and the distribution of development funds.

Both Rafael and I are here in Zurgena, so if you want to drop by tomorrow or Wednesday to give us some support, then please do - we will be pleased to see you.

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Saturday, 6 November 2021

Some news: I dropped in to Tíjola on the way home. The water tower has gone as has the little casita.

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Saturday, 6 November 2021

Well, this is where we are on the 6th. Much of the track has been cleared, thanks to the rains last night. This ground is like adobe - like mucus when wet and like concrete when dry. Fortunately, it rained in Zurgena last night, so I got up at 6:30 and started to work on the track. As the day warmed up, the ground became harder, making it difficult to work.

I hope that Carlos, the professional digger driver won't laugh too hard at my efforts!!

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Saturday, 6 November 2021

Some of the track exposed leading towards Arboleas.

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Friday, 5 November 2021

Today has been a 'tidy up' day to make the site look more professional for any dignitaries who may happen by. All metalwork has been stored and vegetation cleared. Many thanks to Nick Allen for his great work and intelligent comments.

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Friday, 5 November 2021

The track from the engine shed. Still some work to do.

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Friday, 5 November 2021

The trusty bobcat (thanks, Mike) that has been clearing the tracks today.

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Friday, 5 November 2021

When we first uncovered this piece of machinery, we thought that there was a bearing in the centre but as we cleared the mud away it became obvious that there was no contact between the centre spindle and the outer assembly (see other photo). I was very confused as the outer assembly appeared to have four legs. Only recently (I'm a slow learner) did it become apparent that the outer assembly was once the gondola which was, sadly, cut up with an oxy-acetylene torch for scrap. The red lines indicate the extent of the original gondola. The height of the beam is the same as that of the turntable in Baza.

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Friday, 5 November 2021

This is the centre of the turntable. As one can see, there is no bearing between the centre pillar and the outer ring. At the very top of the photograph can be seen a dish-like indentation and I believe this was part of a sort of ball and socket joint which allowed the gondola to move in every plane, depending on the outer rail, allowing for differences in the alignment of the rail.

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Friday, 5 November 2021

Thank you to Jose Antonio Serrano Navarro for this photo by Asun González Serrano of Guadix station in 1980 from a Barcelona-Granada express. Possibly the most interesting part is the Babwil centre photo.

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Friday, 5 November 2021

An image for you for which I have to thank Jose Antonio Serrano Navarro. I have never seen this one before of one of the GSSR Kitson-Meyers which was taken in Córdoba where it was being used between 1941 and 1953.

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Thursday, 4 November 2021

Many thanks to Jonathan Bishop for re-installing Ubuntu in the PC that he kindly donated. We now have a functioning information screen!

Also, thanks to Mike Woolnough for dropping by. It is always good to see interested parties.

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Thursday, 4 November 2021

Fortunately the 1923 Pullman coach survived the conflagration. Maybe the heat helped to remove some of the graffiti which is plastered all over it. Perhaps now the town hall of Guadix will allow us to bring this historical gem to Zurgena to give it the care that it deserves.

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Thursday, 4 November 2021

Rafael has sent us some photos which he has taken of the carriage that was attacked by arsonists last night.

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Thursday, 4 November 2021

Well, this is how it looked this evening after a struggle with the Bobcat and dry earth. The ground here is mucoid when wet and like concrete when dry.

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Thursday, 4 November 2021

Rafael, our glorious president, getting to know our Bobcat this morning.

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Thursday, 4 November 2021

A great repair, securing the area from ne'er-do-wells.

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Thursday, 4 November 2021

It has been quite an eventful day starting with the lads from the town hall coming to repair the gate that blew down in the wind. Well done lads!

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Wednesday, 3 November 2021

There has been a terrible thing that has happened tonight. Please see the previous blog. This was a deliberate act of arson using an accelerant and I hope that the Guardia Civil arrest and prosecute the culprits. These coaches were sitting unloved for many years but had the hope of renovation to then be used in a museum. Fortunately, they missed the 1923 Pullman coach. Perhaps they will come back for that tomorrow. No-one seems to give a fxxx.

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Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Dear members and all lovers of the history of the Spanish railways, I have some terrible news for you tonight. One of the coaches that were sitting near Guadix station have been burnt. This was a clear attack of arson which required an accelerant such as petrol. Whoever did this has no interest or love of the history of the Spanish railway network. Heartbreaking.

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Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Well, it's been a day! The bobcat is now working and we have been working on the back-hoe, retro or whatever you want to call it. We now have some new hoses for the hydraulics, and have serviced the valves.

John Bishop dropped by to pick up the PC that he donated as it decided to come up with a password request that no-one expected. Thank you John.

To let everyone know, the next AGM is planned for the 6th December, so get your diaries / Filofaxes out. A provisional agenda will come out soon.

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Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Rafael clearing the tracks. Unfortunately, the ground has dried out which makes it hard going.

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Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Our glorious president in the funcioning bobcat type machine - now functioning well!

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Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Been a bit blowy here in Zurgena I guess!

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Wednesday, 3 November 2021

A discovery by Nick - under the engine shed is (probably not surprisingly) an inspection pit. More pick and shovel work for us.

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Monday, 1 November 2021

Well, we will be back in Zurgena on Wednesday through Friday assuming the Bobcat can be fixed, so if anyone wants to drop by and say 'Hello' then we'd be delighted to see you. If Rafael can sort out the problem with the Bobcat, then we'll be working through to get the track exposed while the ground is damp.

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Friday, 29 October 2021

Regarding the turntable, our friend Ana Gutiérrez has supplied the ground plan from 1932.

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Friday, 29 October 2021

The Railway Magazine has sent an email at our request to their customers via 'The Railway Hub'


There is a new working railway museum in Spain which is a collaboration between the British and Spanish. Under construction now, when finished it will be the only railway museum in Spain running locomotives and stock. Located in the old Zurgena railway station, near Mojacar. The line was built by a British company, The GSSR in 1885 - 1894...

STOP PRESS: Turntable found this week!! See their blog. Max Kite.

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Friday, 29 October 2021

We now have information sheets on the gates to the area (again, thanks to Clive West) for people who come to see what is going on out of curiosity.

We are still waiting for the Bobcat to be repaired so that we can get to work clearing the tracks.

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Friday, 29 October 2021

Some good progress made yesterday by Clive West including in the museum where the boards have been adorned with photographs and holders for forms.

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Wednesday, 27 October 2021

A frustrating day today - we had the Bobcat on charge overnight and she started perfectly this morning, but was haemorrhaging diesel from an injector, so had to be shut down. A shame, as the ground is perfect for clearing as it is soft but not too muddy.

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Wednesday, 27 October 2021

We now have the monitor working, thanks to John Bishop who donated a PC and its keyboard and mouse.

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Tuesday, 26 October 2021

We now have a poster thanks to Clive West which we hope to put up in bars and shops. Clive is away in the UK for a while, so anyone who would like to help in putting up posters, please contact me through the site.

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Tuesday, 26 October 2021

The area, now cleared of rubbish by Carlos and his JCB. The next job is to clear the tracks.

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Tuesday, 26 October 2021

What was once a swimming pool a few days ago has now drained - possibly showing that the old drainage system still works. Still a bit muddy, but drying out after the deluge.

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Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Clive has done a great job of blocking up the door to make the casita secure.

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Tuesday, 26 October 2021

This is a little outhouse that will be used for storage of tools etc.

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Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Although it may not appear so, work has been done on the renovation of the 'Bobcat' making it ready and raring to go in the clean up of the tracks.

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Saturday, 23 October 2021

On every life a little rain must fall...but WOW! The timing could have been a little bit better.

We will be there next week from Tuesday with a sump pump and a bucket or two. Anyone who wants to drop by to give us some moral support will be very welcome.

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Friday, 22 October 2021

Hello everyone, This is a text from our president Rafael. I reproduce it verbatim:

Good morning everyone again, more news in these days of hectic activity;). Last Tuesday we had a working day at the station as usual. It was a busy day on several fronts. Nick Allen and Clive West's relentless work reconnecting electricity and water facilities to service the turntable area and workshop area and shunting lanes was joined by Max Kite's work on the station and with the transportation work. of the mini-excavator that an English resident of Albox has donated to the association, thank you very much Mike, to be able to continue with the excavation and earthmoving work of the station. The excavator has a couple of injectors in poor condition and a worn hydraulic pump but I have already obtained the spare parts in record time, I hope to finish the repair work next week, although it is already in operation and can move correctly. Meanwhile the excavator and the tractor with trailer provided by the Zurgena City Council continue to work incessantly and we are already very close to the end of the cleaning, clearing and leveling work of the entire area, as soon as these works are finished I will start with the construction of the workshop on the road that went to the marble factory, we urgently need it to be able to bring and restore historical rolling stock, starting with my steam locomotive from 1912, I will bring it to Zurgena station as soon as the workshop is finished and So we can soon start having classic steam rolling stock, there are only three units in Spain and it is the only one with a low ceiling that remains today, it will be an unforgettable experience to be able to see it again in operation here in Zurgena. I was also meeting with the administrative staff of the Zurgena City Council filling in and processing application files for courses on "Technician in railway equipment and cables", you already know that one of the pillars of this project is training in the conservation and maintenance of railway equipment such as a way to create jobs and train citizens in technical matters in this field so that these facilities can be maintained and managed by adequately trained local staff. We are now in the process of qualifying the Zurgena City Council as a teaching center with an approved workshop to teach these courses, something that will lay the foundations for us to be a technical center of reference at the national level, we are very close to achieving it and I hope to be able to give you good news of all this soon. At the same time we continue to work on the turntable mechanism. We are already cleaning with wire and radial brushes and it looks better every time. Thanks to the collaboration of our friend and technical architect Ana Gutiérrez Manzano, who has been gathering documentation for this railway for a long time, we have obtained photos of the original technical documentation of the station and the turntable, of the construction work, assembly budgets. , etc., Thank you very much Ana, and we have been able to locate the original files, I'll have to go in person to the Historical Railway Archive of Madrid to get a full copy of them but it has been a great luck to have to already some photographs that we serve as a guide in the work, I attach some to this publication. This reminds me that our colleague Ray Gaskell asked for information from the station for the incredible model he made of the Zurgena station, Ray, there was indeed a coal deposit to the right of the locomotive shed in the 30s, another question resolved, on Tuesday I bring you a paper copy to help you with your work. And this is all for today, next week more news, cheer up and stop by the station on Tuesday to see the work, a good amount of dust on your shoes is guaranteed and a good time for conversation too. Kind regards, Rafael García De La Mata Escudero

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Tuesday, 19 October 2021

This is to say a hearty "THANK YOU" to Mike Carr (Bobcat loan, and much help), Christine Warburton for the gift of a printer, Mike Woolnough for a cash donation and last but definitely not least, John Bishop for the donation of a PC, keyboard and mouse. That will be used in the museum linked to the large flatscreen that we have, to show videos etc.

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Tuesday, 19 October 2021

The turntable stripped of all its dirt. Carlos (JCB) and Juan (tractor) have worked like Trojans, and Nick and Clive have done a huge amount of work, getting water on site and manually cleaning up said turntable.

On that subject, we are even more confused now that we have removed all (well, 99%) of the dirt as there is no physical contact betweeen the spindle and the outer rotor. Anyone who happens to have technical drawings of 1889 turntables under their bed, please let us know!

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Tuesday, 19 October 2021

AT LAST!! The Bobcat that Mike has so kindly leant us has arrived on site. It needs some mechanical work by Rafael, but once working will be immensely useful to us.

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Monday, 18 October 2021

This is where we are tonight. The turntable actually moves! The first time in many decades.

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Monday, 18 October 2021

Carlos has excavated the floor of the old workshop and exposed the track underneath.

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Friday, 15 October 2021

This is the only photo that I know of in existence of the turntable. Click on the image to see a close-up. There is clearly a track around the circumference but as yet we haven't discovered it.

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Friday, 15 October 2021

As can be seen from Nick's photo from today, there is a clear gap between the apparatus and the floor of the turntable (still some muck to clear away yet), showing that it rotated.

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Friday, 15 October 2021

Since we discovered it, the turntable has been oozing a thick black bituminous liquid. This has caused confusion, however, I believe that it is because the turntable was of the 'hydrostatic' type. An explanation can be seen in The Engineer's And Mechanic's Encyclopaedia by Luke Herbert.

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Friday, 15 October 2021

Nick Allen was working on site this morning - well done, Nick. He supplied this photo (amongst others). This shows that the whole assembly that we have uncovered actually rotated, the 'slider' (marked) being to stabilize the assembly.

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Friday, 15 October 2021

This morning, Rafael cleaned and oiled up his slide rule and, as a result of many calculations came up with the following data regarding the turntable:

The JCB has cleared 240 cubic metres of dirt.
That is the equivalent of more than 700 ton(ne)s excavated and carried by tractor offsite.

Well done Carlos and Juan!...and Rafael and his slide rule!

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Thursday, 14 October 2021

This is how it was left at 7pm this evening. The lads will be back at work tomorrow and Monday mornings at 8am if anyone should feel like a visit to the site.

Thanks to Mike and Fred for dropping in to see us this morning.

One can see a short walkaround video here.

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Thursday, 14 October 2021

Originally it was thought that the construction was bolted down and the turntable rotated above it, but, as can be seen here from the gap next to the shovel, the whole assembly rotated.

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Thursday, 14 October 2021

The first moment a stone of the perimiter wall was discovered. It is almost certainly travertine from Los Marcelinos.

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Thursday, 14 October 2021

Well, the work continued today, and thanks to Carlos and Juan for their great efforts, with the slow painful unearthing of the turntable centre.

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Thursday, 14 October 2021

Many thanks to Nick Nutter of Visit Andalusia for helping us to get publicity for the museum by putting this information in The Euro Weekly News.

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Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Wow! What a day! Sometimes, when one thinks that things are going slowly, or even not at all, one has a day like today! In one day, the JCB has cleared nearly all of the rubble, discovered a turntable (this is how it stands as of tonight), cleared all of the remains of the aviary, removed the lampposts, and generally done a fantastic job. See photos below.

Many thanks to:
Ray, Mike, John Bishop and Nick Nutter for giving us their support by turning up. It is much appreciated and really makes a difference.
Nick Allen, Clive West and Rafael for the incredible hard work that they put in! They all played blinders!! All of us were sweating buckets.
Paul Armstrong for his very generous donation of tools to the museum.
...and to José of the Coviran shop opposite the station for donating a new broom to the museum. Please give him your custom if you can.

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Wednesday, 13 October 2021

King of the castle! Our glorious president giving some perspective to the impressive centre of the turntable.

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Wednesday, 13 October 2021

The JCB excavating around the centre of the turntable.

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Wednesday, 13 October 2021

The moment of discovery of the centre of the turntable.

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Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Ray (Treasurer) and Rafael (President) discussing the works.

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Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Nick making mincemeat of the concrete bases of the lampposts.

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Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Carlos (a great machine operator) removing all of the lampposts for future use.

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Wednesday, 13 October 2021

The main area being cleared of rubble.

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Tuesday, 12 October 2021

A big thank you to Paul Armstrong (any relation?) for the donation of tools and a toolbox to the association. Anyone else who has a load of tools knocking about in their shed, just taking up space, please donate them to us - they will be put to good use!

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Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Well, our little museum is looking a bit more like a museum. The boards are finished, but we need someone with some flair to help us present the information to the general public. Any offers?

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Monday, 11 October 2021

The goods building looking huge now that everything has been cleared out of it.

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Monday, 11 October 2021

Hooray! We actually now have electricity in the area that we are working without the need for FOUR extension cables!! It turns out that the cable was damaged during the consrtruction of the invalid ramp. We also managed to damage the cable when the JCB was working. All resolved now!! A big thank you to the lads at Zurgena maintenance department.

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Thursday, 7 October 2021

Don't forget that Visit Andalucia have some excellent articles about our area as well as articles about The GSSR and the Zurgena Railway Museum. Check them out!

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Thursday, 7 October 2021

The digger also has a retro-arm.

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Thursday, 7 October 2021

Rafael inspecting the digger that has been offered to us for use in the museum.

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Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Nick was kind enough to come down this morning to help with the digging.

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Wednesday, 6 October 2021

This will be the indoor part of the museum. As one can see, we have installed whiteboards to attach photos and examples. They just need the frame to be fitted.

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Wednesday, 6 October 2021

At last, we have proof that the turntable exists - a tiny section of wall.

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Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Clive getting busy with a spade. Hard ground.

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Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Rafael and Clive discussing the recently discovered wall of the turntable.

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Wednesday, 6 October 2021

AT LAST!!! It's down!! We have finally managed to beat the birdcage. Well done Clive and Rafael!!

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Saturday, 2 October 2021

Well, The GSSR has become a little more famous (or slightly less unknown!!) thanks to the Visit Andalusia website whereby they have made a video about the railway.

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Saturday, 2 October 2021

We would like to say a big 'thank you' to Paul Armstrong for the donation of a wheelbarrow to the Museum!

I have attached a photograph of a wheelbarrow in case any of you have forgotten what one looks like!!

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Thursday, 30 September 2021

A sad day today. It was the last day that the local train from Águilas ran to Lorca. The line is now closed to traffic. Renfe say that this is being done to build the new AVE line.

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Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Well, we had been digging (when in a hole etc...) and then this morning, Clive suggested that we were digging in the wrong place. How possible? EVERYONE had told us that the turntable that we were searching for was under the aviary! Some serious study of the only plan and photograph that we have proved that we were about 10 metres out! Well spotted, Clive! We have decided to leave it to the digger.

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Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Another part of the aviary finally coming down. See video.

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Wednesday, 29 September 2021

At last, the aviary is starting to come down! See video.

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Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Holes dug in search of the elusive turntable. We will find it soon.

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Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Another part of the aviary cut down.

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Tuesday, 28 September 2021

At last! A section of the aviary cut down to size.

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Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Nick and Max looking for the turntable.

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Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Clive and Nick working hard!!

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Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Young Clive working hard.

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Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Nick putting in some hard work for the museum.

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Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Rafael with María Ángeles discussing the museum.

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Thursday, 23 September 2021

There is still a lot of detritus to clear. We are hoping to see Carlos with his JCB on Tuesday.

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Thursday, 23 September 2021

We also managed to gain access to the town hall workshops, which we will be able to use when necessary. Theae include a professsional Wacker for levelling ground, a bench saw, drills, a compressor etc. These will come in very useful.

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Thursday, 23 September 2021

Rafael has just bought a golf buggy to be able to access all parts of the line, carrying tools and visitors.

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Friday, 17 September 2021

The first rolling stock to run in Zurgena for 37 years! Just joking - we won't be seeing The City of Truro here for a little while yet, but you can see the video of what really happened. Yes, it is a golf cart.

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Friday, 17 September 2021

As one can see, there is still much work to do in Arboleas station!

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Friday, 17 September 2021

This is Arboleas station - in La Perla!! It is in the process of being renovated. I will keep you posted regarding the works.

This station will be the first one for the rolling stock to travel to.

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Friday, 17 September 2021

The old track to the defunct marble factory.

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Friday, 17 September 2021

Aviary still stubbornly standing!!

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Friday, 17 September 2021

Remnants of the points.

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Friday, 17 September 2021

I passed by the museum yesterday and took some photographs. This is where we are at the moment.

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Monday, 19 July 2021

The track from the engine shed in the direction of Baza.

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Monday, 19 July 2021

Rafael showing the effects of heat after a long morning getting down and dirty.

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Monday, 19 July 2021

The tracks leading east towards Baza. On the left can be seen a set of points.

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Monday, 19 July 2021

Ray, one of the committee members showing interest in the progress of the works.

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Monday, 19 July 2021

Rafael overseeing the work of the JCB. We were delighted to find the tracks that we thought had been ripped up.

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Monday, 19 July 2021

The rear entrance before the JCB cleared all of the herbiage.

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Monday, 19 July 2021

The JCB exposing the tracks. Carlos, the operator, is excellent.

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Friday, 25 June 2021

Our glorious president Rafael getting his hands dirty dismantling the birdcage last June.